Monday 6 May 2013

Should I eat things straight out of the pan?

"Not unless it's food." My pet Dragon informs me, and I think, whoa, nice one..
"And even then," he peers at me through his monocle, "No."
This is true, I think as I hang my head sadly, I always burn my tongue. "Alright then, I will take a vow of Cookmanship (Dragon raises his eyebrows because 'cookmanship' is not a word- [It's ok! I can see that from the red underline! Thanks anyway!]) to never eat from the pan again, and I will tie some sausage skin around an onion and stab a corn-holder into it as a symbolic gesture of my goodwill, and I will dance around the lemon tree on full moon chanting the names of every spice I can think of to seal in my oath."
Dragon closes his eyes and shakes his head as if I am being too dramatic.
Why not make some pasta? I thought today. And why not make a whole vat of it, just because you can't be bothered finding a container to store half the pasta in?
And I really believe yolo shouldn't be used when referring to making food.
So I made wholemeal pasta that I will never repeat again, along with canned pasta sauce, chopped tomatoes, and what else? OH YEAH. The enormous amount of capsicums I purchased on a whim because I really believed that I would use them all.
I believed man, and this is what happens when you test your relationship with food. I shouldn't be left alone in the supermarket. I've told people this.
No, the pasta wasn't the delicious banquet of flavour I had expected myself to make after one Hospitality class. Yes, I spent a lot of time dropping things, mainly food, mainly capsicum, which I may or may not be concerned about.
Do I ever think I'll level up into genius gourmet Chef because of this experience. Yes, yes I do. Because I am a believer, man. I have The Faith.
I also have an extreme desire to watch Walking Dead.

The gnome spammed my camera with selfies. This is the only 'censored' one I could find:

}Life is too short to yolo for capsicums!{
~I heart them all

1 comment:

  1. O.K. So at this stage of reading your blog thus far I am fearing that you actually really do have those freaking things in YOUR house that I WAS contemplating GOING TO not this weekend, but the next one, AS STATED LAST NIGHT and NOW I am fricking scared.
    I hate those little things. Gnomes.
    I actually really do not like them. They are like people dressed in huge costumes walking towards me and I start to panic for ** sake, its coming closserrr NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    and yes. Here we are. IF i walked into your room and was faced with one of those things I would either force myself to touch it with the very tip of my finger nail to throw it directly outside the window- smashing it if I must- to rid of its presence, or, run screaming out of your room for fear of my personal safety.

    I think we need to talk.
