Wednesday 12 March 2014

Where do you want to go?

If 'blegh' had a colour it would be red with a little golden wand and maybe a crown made out of paper- you know, those flimsy orange or yellow ones that always rip or fall off into your food.
Yes, that is what would be happening.
I am now obsessed with this TV show called Helix for some unknown reason. It's dark, serious, full of zombies and lab work based around the T-virus. It's delicious. I've been patiently waiting for more blood and gory scenes filled with people eating other people, but then I remind myself that this is a TV show, Cerri, a TV show, not a movie, and I must say, good zombie movies are hard to find.
So The Walking Dead sort of took a side trip to Albania while I latched onto this one.
;_; ~I will continue watching it. I will. (Said this girl who did everything else ever to avoid watching it, even taking up parasailing and candle-making , and died without knowing what the hell everyone was so crazy about).
I vote for words with N.
My guitars shout at me whenever I try to play them. I find this abusive yet sensible as I can't play very well but really believe they should tune themselves. Sometimes, really believing just doesn't work.
In the midst of 'nuclear families' and mountains of different-shaped bags and swearing guitars and food that shouldn't be coconut flavoured and bursting light-bulbs and teapots with one eye and heels that change how your toes look, life happened.


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