Thursday 30 January 2014

What shoes do stars wear?

Well, this is new.
And it was.
I had just returned from my exhilarating walk in the cool, brisk winds to find my living room covered in red fabric cut-outs.
"What are they of?" I gestured my hand at the two mice sitting on the sofa. One had a pair of scissors suspended in mid air, as if it was about to cut. The other was holding a tiny black bottle.
"NO YOU CAN'T," said the mouse holding scissors, and I thought: I bloody well can, but I wasn't sure what we were talking about so I said, "I've just run thirty miles."
"Well on with it then," squeaked the second mouse quite pompously.
"You know-" I began, but the mouse with scissors turned to its companion and said, "Snails don't eat mushrooms. Have you ever seen a snail eating a mushroom?"
"I most certainly have!" said the second mouse, and it waved the bottle through the air.
I stuck out my foot, hoping to appear cool and into it: "There's-"
"You have NOT! When have you seen a snail eating a mushroom?"
The first mouse seemed very put-out and the second mouse seemed not to notice as it pulled the bottle in close to its face and took a big whiff.
"Are you sniffing?" I asked, shocked, "Sniffing glue?"
The first mouse turned to me, "What's it to ya?"
A mouse saying 'ya'? This had to be stopped. "I will not have mice sniffing glue in my house!" I exclaimed loudly.
"It's not glue," said the second mouse with its eyes half closed, "It's cocoa."
I raised an eyebrow, "Chocolate?"
The first mouse looked down sadly, and even the scissors seemed to droop in dismay while I pondered how to name these lost, wayward creatures.
"Ahhh, gets the old heart pumping," said Morsel, swinging its legs in a satisfied contentment.
"No, that's your Heart Pumper," said Twinge, and I said, "Sorry, heart pumper?"
Twinge eyed me up suspiciously, "Haven't you got one?"
"I'm done," I said extravagantly.
"Oi," one of them called as I walked away (I couldn't be sure which one because they both sounded the same: high-pitched and annoying), "Tell us when our sister is returning from her balloon adventure!"
I ignored this ridiculous request.
"I'd rather like to ride in an air balloon," I heard the other mouse declare dreamily.
And as I made my way into the kitchen to prepare my double-strength Cinnamon and Cherry tea, I had an uneasy feeling that things were about to go down.
~In a furry kind of way.

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