Friday 13 December 2013

Is there a light that I can follow?

Things I have done:

# Chalked random areas on pavement with POLKA DOTTED chalk. It's like all my dreams have come true at once. It's awesome, and if I was any kind of blogger I would have photos, but I'm not and I don't, so I accept this.

# Purchased an elf hat on a whim.

# Cleaned out my car half-heartedly and found ten cents, a jar of used vegemite, a random breath freshener, half eaten toast, two pens, a Cool Klub cup and a receipt from Spotlight.

# Went crazy, but not in the insane way that would make sense so I can't even describe it.

# Made two Christmas cards ^_^.

# Saved four slugs and one gecko.

# Searched the word 'gecko' after trying to spell it four times and realised all four attempts were WRONG.

# Dressed up like evil Alice from wonderland and plotted a murderous rampage by cupcakes with Knuckles from sonic.

# Wondered about something odd, and then forgot about it, and will probably never remember it, so I feel sort of sad about this.

In a strange way, it's all rather odd. Everyone who ever goes anywhere is rather odd. Anyone who does anything is rather odd. I meet people all the time and I wonder what they do in their houses. What kind of toilet paper do they use? Do they eat jam for breakfast? Are the paintings on the walls their own? Are the fake plants only there because they hate watering or was it a present? How many times a day do they hang their coat up (because you'd think it would be once, but maybe it falls down or the hook is loose or they have bad eye-sight or they go out two times every day..)? How many times do they stir their coffee? How many bars of soap do they have? Are they the kind of people who like to buy eggs with smiley faces?
Do they read the daily messenger?
I read the daily messenger once and I can't say it was stimulating to my brain cells. I've always wondered if someone somewhere is constructing The Quibbler from HP, because that would stimulating and exciting and a type of nonsense that the world needs.
I have a plastic sword that lights up at inconvenient times. Not even.

I tried saying all the things you say
and going round the longer way,
I tired standing taller
and being smaller,
peering harder and looking cooler.
But the masks fall off,
and your mighty games
turn out to be just dumb charades,
and when you've had enough
of the mockery,
you cry and blame society,
and I guess you're right
when you sacrifice
your burning light so you seem 'alright'.
But how long until the end,
how long until they forget these trends?
Until your simple world of mirrors,
and all those sparkles and those glimmers,
turn out to be pretend?

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