Wednesday 3 July 2013

What is there to be afraid of in such an ordinary world?

No, I didn't see any slugs this morning, and it saddens me.
We have a random slug invasion, every morning around four or five I go into the kitchen and find at least two ambling around the stove area. I love these slugs, even though they may be different ones every time, even though they vary in size, even though they ooze around the place and the ooze is rather glittery so it's ok, and even though it's not normal to find slugs in a house, it's still a wonderful whimsical event that I have grown used to.
I miss them at times. I miss the faery-ish and magickal and summery vibe around them.
So that's me. ... Moving on!
I have completed all the practical and theory of my Hospitality course and feel relieved that it's mostly over and I can go back to only using my brain at various times of the year, instead of every day. Now all that's left is for me to ace my placement.
There were times when I felt like I was sinking in quicksand, and I thought, 'where are my goggles for such times? Where is my reading material? This could take hours, days, maybe months. I need at least one Sudoku'. Sadly I realise I'm not equipped enough to handle sinkholes. Fortunately I hear they're hard to come by.
There were times when I wondered what I was doing. Why was I doing everything at once? Having just acquired a second job at the same time as full time study, I wondered why I didn't quit.
But it went on! With or without me being conscious! And I ambled through the days of working and studying and changing outfits and shoes, and packing enormous amounts of sandwiches (because, you know, I have a thing for mass sandwiches of the plain variety) and gradually it all got done.

Book I am reading at the moment:
Get on it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey man,
    I love your posts.
    And you not being at work is odd and not quite like being at work at all.
    I have to inform you that when I was closing the rubbish bin door thingy at work, I felt that I clipped something with my shoe and it was a Slug. I FELT SO BAD but I checked it and it was fine. I think I gave him a headache but that was all. I hope he/she is okay.
    Good on you for liking Slugs, however, on youre oven? What do they want from there?
    How's the book going?
