Thursday, 16 November 2017


Day 15 & 16 is basically what happens when desires and sugar collide
This sounds like a really cool anime.

I have been MIA!!! My furniture came and then Supernatural sucked me into scrolling their twitter feed for a cool THREE HOURS one night, and by the time I checked the clock it was like 1 am so I went to bed. And I don't even know who half of those characters are, I just watched little snippets of the newest season (thirteen I think) without even a hint or outrage at the fact that I was kind of spoiling it for myself. How do I know Dean doesn't stay dead at the end of season three, and that the show carries out in only Sam's story? (Totally outrageous) How do I even know Dean dies at the end of season three? Because of tumblr, and pinterest, and my inability to watch an episode without reading the start of the episode guide on Wikipedia, on the OFF CHANCE they decide to throw in a hideously deformed E Man.
I'm getting better, but total cures take time.
Maybe years.
Until then, I will read ahead and enjoy only the minor stirring of surprise I feel when something terribly dramatic happens.

Ok! Food log!


Foods I have eaten on Wednesday
Guys, I can not even care anymore.
I'm trying to win at the money life, be financially savvy while also living on next to nothing so things can get paid off extremely fast, but also enjoy the little things in life such as unexpected coffee dates with friends or using up all my delegated weeks worth of petrol in one day on a whimsical outing across the state.
I also HAVE TO SAY, where did the summer go? Like, one day it was 36, the next it was 12?
Also, I'm trying to eat healthy right, get all my veggies and do the meal prep and fruit snacking and rice eating and junk cutting, while trying my hand at the iron increasing way after reading how red meat causes cancer and dairy causes cancer and poultry is just glue and hormones and fish is diseased with mercury and metal and pollution, so I eat some dried apricots but HOLY CHRIST they have a fucktonne of sugar in them and the green lunch salad does not fill me up at all.
Then there's the whole 'Do Not Cause Unnecessary Waste' so I wash out all my ziplock bags I bought to put the apricots in, but they feel grimy still and I know that there was sticky foods in them, so not clean anymore, which does add to the mental clutter of life's entirety. Why not buy the little containers that will wash and dry and fit more? Because my handbag is tiny and these ziplock bags fit no matter what with the added bonus of weighing nothing at all, which eases the constant stress on my shoulder and back due to carrying all my books ever.

Healthy food IS expensive. Cooking IS time consuming and an effort and something I really don't like doing. I thought I would 'grow into' cooking as I matured, but alas, that was just a pipe dream Cerri. Doritos and eggy toast are life.

As well as, I'm up to my second month of iron tablets and I cannot get a handle on my bowels/tummy. The nausea went away end of last month. My furniture came, Wednesday (coincidentally when I ceased to exist), and then I hurt my back somehow (all the book lifting and toxin sweating) and THEN, I developed nausea again, which came with! All the gut rumblings and loose bowels and possible dehydrations anyone could ever ask for, and the total inability to want to eat because every time food went in the ol tummy would feel sick. Every time I moved the back would ache. I forgot that there are little things called Pain Meds so I struggled through hours of work before I realised I could get relief.

Food in my fridge went off. I took out a whole container of soup from the freezer and shoved it into the fridge just to make way for a big tub of ice cream--- that has dairy, so hormones, and is basically not even real milk/dairy product/related to a cow in any way--- and I just paid full price to consume chemicals with more chocolatey chemicals in the form of Ice Magic on top. AND I HAVE TO SAY, the ice magic does not taste as good as I remember. Maybe something to do with being an innocent, amazingly naive child with low expectations.
I got panicky af about my bread going off in the extreme heat earlier in the week, so I halved it, put two slices each in some zip-lock bags for the freezer, then the rest in the fridge, however this was two days after the heatwave. So, like, did any of that work? There was no visible mould, but at what cost? Will there be growth inside the bread in the fridge? Did the freezer kill possible mould growings?
Must I google everything? And then, just like with the Paw Paw in the hair (which looks to be almost all out by now) what is real, what works, and what is just a joke?

So that fucked up my eating, but my bookcase is MAGNIFICENT. So it's really a win/win.
I am not joking.
My bookcase is a thing of pure beauty. I look at it a million times a day and think 'I can't believe everything fits in there perfectly. Like, how much of a genius am I? I know I had inklings... I knew there was possibility in the shape of potential, but I always thought I needed a special key, something to unlock my hidden power that would take months and years to find, all those arduous side quests, hazardous love interests, annoying vengeful monsters...  but here and now! This is proof of my certain Einstein level!'
Rinse and repeat.

Well! Let's see if I can remember back to the formings of an age.

8.00 ish am - cold oats with yoghurt and cinnamon, black coffee
white coffee in here
maybe a glass of water
2.00 ish pm - two toasts with butter because I wanted something quick for when the furniture came
some lollies in here
water was consumed while sorting books
one white coffee
5.00 ish - a few mouthfuls of plain brown rice
Evening - Toast? Rice? Lollies?

Exercise I have done

Waters I have consumed
One glass, and a lot of sips/gulps while moving about

6.34 am - cold oats with yoghurt and cumin seeds powder. Scraped off and put cinnamon on. Black coffee
10.15 - six dried apricots, one cup of peas ANOTHER THING, THESE ARE ALWAYS JUST THAWED. I take them out of the freezer the night before and leave them in the fridge, then just eat them with a spoon. I believe at this very minute that those peas would be raw, but I have no idea if that is safe to eat.
~~. I'm really not normally this air-headed (THAT IS A LIE), the truth is I just really don't care that much about food (NODS), and I feel the only way that I can combat this is to also- like a friend I know- study for six years, become a lawyer, and earn enough to buy all my food out .~~
one bottle of super cold water to help fight of the faintness
12.30 pm - a little bowl of cut up sausages in onion gravy
3.00 - one white coffee
5.40 - two toasts with butter
9.12 - a handful of jatz crackers and a glass of lemonade

Exercise I have done

Waters I have consumed
One bottle, maybe one glass, a few sips

Why is this challenge so hard??  (>___<)*

For a great time, visit this amazing blog! 

1 comment:

  1. Cerri! You poor thing! You're struggle is real as real!! You have so much to try and balance - it seems very chaotic and unfortunate, yet hopeful and inspiring all at the same time. Stick with it though - eventually you'll get some balance happening, I'm sure of this! I believe this is learning and experimentation and trail and error. Trust in the process. I don't think anyone really has it right food wise, or very few do. And if they are, what of their expenses? And waste? 1 WEEK TO GOOOOOO
