Friday, 24 November 2017

Can you wait one minute?

Day 23 & 24 has some sprinkles of success, much like the minimal amount used when adding nutmeg because who wants a fucktonne of that spice in their mouth? Play it safe people!
Or in my personal opinion, just steer clear of nutmeg altogether. Unless on pie.

Food logeroo! Come at me broo!

Foods I have eaten yesterday
Oh my god I cannot even remember what I did yesterday.
OH yes! I saw my good friend Kristopher! Aahahahahhhhaaaaa. ^_^
9.00 ish am - cold oats with yoghurt. I'm slipping with the whole cinnamon and fruit thing. Black coffee. Am I the only person who gets really excited the night before because I'll get to have coffee in the morning? I must be. No one else is that munted.
10.40 ish - white coffee
12.12 pm ish - a small bowl of plain yoghurt
12.50 - one hot chocolate and a massive bowl of spaghetti napoliana (or some such) that I only ate a quarter of
Maybe a water in here
white coffee I think
4.49 - one massively delicious chocolate christmas rum ball because shit was going down and I was fed up, worn out, hot, tired, emotionally unstable ACTUALLY, like I spent a whopping 150 in a fit of shopping spree, and even though it was really just all of my christmas shopping in one hit done, it felt like I was unravelling at a fast speed, or more like skidding with one foot out along a patch of slippery icy road, headed straight for a massive oak tree where I would crash into a comical fashion and all the children watching would laugh.
I just needed to bite into pure chocolate. Do you know how hard it is to find GOOD chocolate cake/slice/cupcake that is actually a moist bunch of chocolate? Most of it is just stale cupcake base and some lame whipped cream, or hard chocolate icing, or not chocolatey enough, or like a donut that is not even worth mentioning, or stale slice of chocolate cake with a thin layer of hard icing on top and I mean, HOW IS ONE SUPPOSED TO LIVE in a world like this???
5.30 - a salmon steak with broccoli, carrot and potato. I ate all of the potato and actually didn't even tough the carrot
two glasses of water

Exercise I did yesterday
NONE. Except all that running around, oh wait, it was more like strolling through the crowds of people as if I actually one hundred per cent had no worries at all.

Waters I consumed
two glasses and some

Food I have eaten today
Back on track!
6.40 am - cold oats with yoghurt and black coffee
10.00 - one apple little round tea cake that was SO YUM. Buttered toasty, white coffee
I think I live of coffee. I just must. I don't seem to eat anything yet I look six month pregnant and only appear to drink coffee and snack on plain toast and oats daily.
12.33 pm - bowl of beef burgers in onion sauce, with pumpkin, carrots and broccoli.
Ahhhh, there they are.
2.10 - white coffee
3.20 - leftover spaghetti and another round apple tea cake.
However, mistakenly bought cheezles- it was! I got spacey and put in 2.20 of coins, then entered 220, thinking that was the number, and it wouldn't let me press the 0 but it did drop down the packet of cheezles and for the first time in my life I was mournful at seeing them spread out before me, because all I wanted was a cool bottle of water to ease my headache. So ate them in the car, WHILST drinking the water.

And that is all.

Now I must take my iron tablet before I forget for the third day running and hit the bed at 8.35 pm because I am WIPED.

Good day to you.

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