Tuesday, 14 November 2017

'And how do we summon them? With a summoning spell?'

Day 13 & 14 needs thunder but I'll settle for ice cream
This is where the shit got real. And I mean, real as real can get.
And by that I mean probably more like a foggy day-dream that you remember sometime a week later and aren't sure if it was a day-dream, or an actual night-time dream, or an actual experience, so you try and forget all about it, lest you ask every person you know and come off crazier than your regular crazy.

Yesterday I was sick with a cold and my woman woes but I still slogged it out at two of the busiest shifts around. Not even kidding, there was all the slogging and I was in it. Sweating, groaning, spilling GIANT TRAYS OF MEATBALLS AND SAUCE on the oven door that I then had to serve, running, knocking elbows on practically everything that was elbow height, and not drinking any water. NO WATER WAS CONSUMED.
Now, I forgot to mention in previous entries that I put paw-paw ointment in my hair because one of my friends was having a costume party and I LOVE dressing up as a zombie. There is nothing more comforting, to me, than putting on all amounts of fake blood, gore, ripped-ass clothes, rolling in dirt for the authentic look, and smearing on the blackened-grey half-dead circles around the eyes in a careful fashion. I always feel 'at home' when I do this.

Now we've all established by now that I do not do things, things happen to me. I seem to operate on some kind of oh!-an-event!-Quick!-React! drama sequence. The only thing I have done in the past year is probably purchase alarmingly expensive furniture and pray to god that it fits into my room, because even then I was going about all willy nilly. Sort of, 'ohh... life will sort itself out... ahahahaa aha  haa haaaa.'
Will it Cerri?
Will it?

So being such, I happily smeared this paw-paw ointment (great for everything else except hair. Really, do try it on your chapped lips, sores, bites, rashes, burns, GREAT for burns, GREAT for dry cracked skin, and there's probably a thousand other things it does like cure cancer and turn water into wine, but it leaves everything greasy af) all through my hair making it look superbly unwashed and zombified.
Then, however, it wouldn't come out in the shower.
So I spent the next three days patting cornflour onto the patches of greasy hair, then washing with straight shampoo before using a cleansing conditioner. Luckily, for work I just put it up in a bun and normally wear a hair-net so I wasn't too bothered, but it did add to my ickums of a time while I was harried off my feet, tired af, bloated and hot, snuffly and headachey, and all round dealing with aching legs, aching back, and an aching soul.

JUST KEEP THIS IN MIND WHEN YOU READ MY FOOD LOG. It was hard yo. The struggle was not only real at work but also real in the emotional wanting of the food that I didn't have and painfully desired.

Foods I ate yesterday
5.10 am - black coffee, a few mouthfuls of cold oats with yoghurt, blueberries and cinnamon
5.56 - white coffee
one cup of water
7.20 - one toast with vegemite because I didn't eat much of the oats
9.30 - one white coffee, one cucumber sandwich, five dried apricots, three strawberries
12.20 pm - some chicken kiev and pumpkin
one cu of water
2.55 - brown rice with onion, garlic, turmeric and cumin, a cupful of peas, white coffee
two cups of water
8.10 - a bowl of frozen watermelon

Exercise I have done today

Waters I have consumed
four cups and most likely some sips as well

Foods I have eaten today
6.24 am - one heated zucchini slice, black coffee
one whole bottle of water
10.10 - six apricots, half a cucumber and avocado sandwich, TWO CHOCOLATE BARS purchased on a whim, one white coffee super strong
one whole frozen bottle of water
3.23 pm - the rest of the cucumber sandwich, white coffee which tasted gross
Went on down to the shop and purchased some ice cream, ice magic topping, one packet of jelly beans, one packet of jelly tubes for the heinously low blood sugar, one packet of parmesan and garlic chips
... ^_^
half a bottle of water
6.50 - 3/4 packet of chips, a few jelly beans
one whole bottle of water

Exercise I have done
Yeahhhh nahh lol.

Waters consumed
three and a half bottles of water

So that's alright! I just have to stay on track for the rest of the week, especially since my pay will be super low this fortnight, meaning I can avoid any temptations (hopefully) and sail through. I really need a routine. I was doing AMAZINGLY last week with the same healthy breakfast every day, and it became so natural that I was just doing the preparations automatically, reaching for the oats tub and cinnamon, then getting the yoghurt and berries from the fridge. 
I need to get on that with lunch, although the dried apricots, peas and cucumber are going well so maybe I can make that a permanent lunch thing, and then figure out something for dinner that isn't garlicky and oniony and makes me fart a zillion times a day, but is also healthy, iron-rich, meat-low, cheap, and easy to prepare.
Well, back to supernatural I go!
Adios Mesdames et Messieurs!
Give me thunder please!

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