Saturday, 7 July 2018

What do you mean 'we can't move time backwards' ?


Or don't. Whichever. ^_^v
I chose to spend quite a lot of time in the sluggish 'woe is me' category, but then I realised that a lot of people live there and it was a miserable place. So I legged it outta there.

~Plant update!
I have exactly 101 plants blooming to date! --I know! Go me!
Some are in the 'just sprouting' stage and others are in the 'look at us! We're almost ten centimeters tall!!' stage, and I have to keep remembering to care for the youngins appropriately instead of that blanket care I give them when I'm tired or can't be arsed. It's a pain, but it's worth it.
So! One hundred plants means that as soon as I rise with the sun, I trudge all the way from my room at the front of the house to the living room at the back of the house, about six or seven times, to put ALL of the plants in the morning Eastern sun. There's a lot of huffing as I am one small lady, but also, there's a lot of kind words like 'aren't you gorgeous!' and 'I'm so sorry I farted! That smells rank!' and 'Oooooh, beautiful foliage guys, keep up the good work!' and 'How are you doing so well?? I swear I'm neglecting all of you, but you're doing an amazing job! Amazing! Fuck it's cold!'
And so forth.
Basically, I like to murmur a flow of positive sayings whether true or not, because I know the power of speech- having spent most of my life struggling with it and being the reciprocate of negative sayings- and it all counts! All of it! The kind stuff feels great only because the bad stuff feels shit.
After I handle my well-travelled plants -they must be the only plants in the street to see the front and back of their house!- I check to see if they need water before rushing off to work and spending all day wondering if they're cold, hot, dying of undernourishment, if I should fertilise more, less, or what it actually tells me on the packet, and I must say, they give me due anxiety. Due because I don't really bother with reading much about them.
Then I race home and immediately check on them, much to the surprise and amusement of bae, thus ensuring the retracing of steps as I lug them all back into my room to put the heater on for the nighttime chill.
When it's a nice sunny day I like to put them outside on my days off, but even then, I watch them constantly to make sure the ever-growing amount of birds wandering about out lawn don't attack them, or a basketball from the neighbours doesn't bounce on over and take them out, or it starts to rain and they all drown...

A few days ago I transplanted them all into separate pots so and this was a S E L F I S H decision. One, so I could identify them easier, or at all seeing as how half of them are from a packet labelled 'cottage garden' with vague instructions of care on the back-- also giving me mild anxiety! Two, so I could see how each of them was going. And I have to say, here and now, while I'm being 100 per cent honest, they seemed to do better in groups where they could talk to each other, share secrets, and help each other grow. I thought, maybe I had been too hasty at trying to get them all away from each other because I thought they were tearing the nutrients from one another like all humans seem to do, when I never even thought to pay closer attention to what was really going on. Maybe they were helping each other grow and the slight tinge of yellow on the leaf ends was actually due to inadequate fertilisation, or lack of sunlight, or transplant shock?
Whenever I transplant them and at random times throughout the day I say with soft exclaim and a teensy bit of desperation: 'you know, this is my first time growing seeds! I'm not plant orientated at all! Sorry there! I do apologise for my misgivings, and I will make it up to you by showering you in over-watering, under-fertilising, and vague glances in your general direction at least once a day!' then finish with a flourish of 'Oh! Also! I will most definitely try to save the ones of you who decide to droop in a wilting way, with my little plump fingers, far too big for handling tiny plant sproutlings, and therefore, inevitably tearing the lushly divine greening leaves of growth! Apologies apologies! Well much to do, must dash! Good day!'

And such.


~~ Syril! I'm out of sugar! How can I be out of sugar on Flapjack Day? To the store at once!!

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