Sunday, 1 July 2018

If it stops spinning can we go home?

Kristopher... I LOVE the idea! Matching tattoos sounds amazing, and we must get on this asap.
Get it DID.

Inkwells and quills. ➽➹➼
There must be no delay! Hit me up and we will chat it out!

My days have been:
~ Wake up
~ Work
~ Take part in the rat-race to earn that moolah
~ Spend time caring for my young plants ^_^
~ Cook dinner. I am not a fan of cooking, but it must be done and I refuse to cook shit. It will be veggies, a form of fish or chicken, juice/broth from the veggie water, yoghurts and fruits. Alternatives are a creamy chicken pasta or a thai curry dish. I do not cook every night, but when I do I make sure to create as much mess as possible.
~ Log on to social media
~ Attend to mindless social media for about five hours
~ Watch Supernatural for about seven hours
~ Fall asleep late and ensure that the slumber is filled with as much unease as possible, for whatever reason
~ Wake up. Reapeat.

Upside: I'm smashing out all those Supernatural episodes. *Insert smug emoji here

I must watch more anime! I feel as though the anime universe is jumping with action and I'm just twiddling my perfectly manicured thumbs over by the enormous tumbleweed.

I'd love to get my yoga on, but I'm sitting in front of this delicious slice of tiramisu and well... We all need a dream.. 

One day I was driving down this amazing street with those tall autumny trees surrounded by fallen leaves, dew drops glistening here and there, the sun shining in a very weak way, and as I was driving I noticed these three pigeons waddling about in a cluster. They were having a gay old time on the road curb, fluffing about in the leaves as if looking for worms or food, and as I drove past, one of the pigeons started chasing one of the others, and the pigeon being chased turned and chased the third one, and they were all chasing each other in a little line of bobbing heads with points on the top like tiny hats. 
It was magical.
Pigeons are the GREATEST. 
I would BE a pigeon. It all honesty, since we're here baring our souls, and I would chase my fellow pigeon folk, and I would- in all earnest- try to climb a tree.
Anyhow, I have never once seen a pigeon out for it's daily waddle and not gone, 'AWWWWWW FUCK YOU'RE SO FUCKING ADORABLE, HOLD STILL WHILE I PICK YOU UP AND GIVE YOU A SMOOSH. WHAT. WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY????'
Or some such.
It's all nonsense, and apparently it's all mine.

Au revoir!

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