Sunday, 2 September 2018

Where does Hove get such curvaceous threes?


~Things Today that have caused me such bliss that it was akin to experiencing an orgasm of the Soul
1. I called in sick to work, which I don't normally do, and I lay in bed with bae for a super long time. BLISS

2. Rediscovered Sherlock with Benedict C etc. ELECTRIFYING (and really funny)

3. Sat with a fresh hot black coffee and watched my plants languish in the sun while birds swooped around in a happy way. SOUL SQUENCHING

4. Bought petrol and decided to buy a drink by the name of 'Ovi Watermelon' because, FUCK life and all it's rules, tragedies, complications. I will drink this flavoured water, possibly develop cancer, and die happy. However, while I was sighing in a heavenly stupor at my level of bombass brilliance, I realised the bottle was on the highest shelf of the fridge section and that I literally could not reach it. What? Even?
--So I flagged down a real tall, European-looking chap and was all 'hey there, are you able to get me down that bottle of sex-me-up-right-this-minute-with-your-juicy-as-mother-fuckin-wet-ways?(except I just said watermelon ovi like a normal person), to which he grinned a little and said 'it is hi isn't it?'

5. It was ASTRONOMICAL. So then, while being enveloped in a cloud of dreams and ponies and all things soft (except furbies because they are nightmares and you know it) I thought 'Cerri, fuck it up'- which, in Cerri shorthand, means 'Dude, buy that amazing rice dish from that Thai place and take a bath in it'.
-- I only needed like five seconds to really think it through, and that was: bank account? Check. Hunger levels? Check. Emotionally stable? Check. Practical? JUST DRIVE GURL!!

~One thing that comes from regularly experiencing buyers anxiety and having a goal that requires maximum saving skills, is that I always feel like I shouldn't do the things I want. I hardly ever buy clothes, or household things, or good food, or furniture I actually need... There's always a reason to save up, therefore my brain is always running through a checklist of of pros and cons.

Yesterday all my favourite songs came on one after the other on the radio while I was driving home from work. Then all my other fave songs came on my iPod while I was driving some place else, and it was a real 'raise your hand to the sky in a moment of feel' kind of day.

The outfield - Your Love
Dragon - Rain
Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon
Tears for Fears - Everyone wants to rule the world
Toto - Hold the line
Dead or alive - You spin me round
Blondie - Call me

Jessica Lea Mayfield - Somewhere in your heart
Tear you apart - She wants revenge
Lights on - I the Sun
Abba - Lay your love on me

~My September Challenge which I started yesterday being the 1st
Another challenge! (^___^)v
This one is basically to stop eating junk food, start exercising, and try to sleep for seven-eight hours solid a night.
All these things are not currently happening in my life. As such, I how can I possibly outrun a horde of freshly-bitten zombies if I am some sort of exhausted, sluggish, flabby humanoid constantly chowing down zickles bars and complaining to anyone who listens about my ever-increasing muscle aches and inability to find that one ABBA song?

Two toasts with vegemite, half an avocado sandwich, pumpkin and pine nut fritata, fruit salad in a bowl, one creme brulee of the euphoric kind, four little snack packets of chips because I was feeling quite anxious and hungry but couldn't be bothered cooking

The best 7 hours in the past two months

None, but I did work a double shift

Two Toasts with peanut butter, 9 jatz crackers with butter and one apple- I was SO HAPPY to eat that apple, being fruit intake and all- two slices of lamington cake with custard and strawberries, mouthsex- I mean rice, cucumber and lettuce

Three hours, woke up, moved around, went back to sleep for about two and a half hours, then woke up and stayed up


~My aim in this challenge that I will hopefully touch slightly with a warmed, steady, sculpted, non-greasy hand
Or, you know, just brush ever so lightly with a chilly fingertip, seeing as it's winter and I'm short af.
I really love to banish this anxiety for good. This will require a lot of effort, mental strength, a change of approach, and pretty much all of my dwindling willpower. Man, I gotta find me a outlet coz dayum I need some charging stat.
Controlling the rampant anxiety will then allow me to sleep better, achieving my 7-8 hrs sleep. This will help me make healthier food choices, give me energy to do the exercise or at least put me in the frame of mind to flirt with the idea of putting on my runners, and generally make me a swell lass.
Like, let's straighten this crown.

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