Thursday, 15 March 2018

Was it getting real?


Life is all about being crazy and taking chances.

You must do what you fear. Do what you dream. Look ambition straight in the eye and say "I am coming for you."
Then stop off at the local bakery and buy a double-decker chocolate cream cake because life is hard balls with a LOT of curved ones.

You must Take The Chance and do The Thing!

What do you dream of doing?

I dream of one day building a house. From scratch! I want to see the concrete slab with my own two eyes and walk across it in a walk only those who dared to make their dream come true can do. I want to see the sweat, feel the sawdust, hear the hammers, taste the tears, be victorious! I want to watch a door being put in, and narrow my eyes in a suspicious fashion because that window looks a bit too big guys, who's in charge of the window fitting??? Let's get the sizing done, ok, I want numbers and I want shinyass glass that makes me squint in surprise and awe and wonder.

I dream of working on my dusty old novel. Raising chickens. Making Amigurumi. Sewing, knitting, drawing with a light table... actually being that artistic mofo I see in the mirror. 

What if there were hidden cities all around us just waiting to be tapped into?

We must uncover the magic all around us because soon the time will be gone, and we will be gone, but no matter! Someone else will come and do the uncovering, for there will always be secret worlds existing around us.

Isn't that creepy af though?
Where I am sitting now, in my bed with the window open, someone else could be walking to that exact window this exact moment and closing it. Or maybe we both stood in the same place at the same time and I opened it while they closed it. But I didn't notice a thing. Am I out of touch or just not in tune with the layers upon layers of worlds that overlap ours?
What if when you hear a baby crying while having a shower, there actually is a baby crying in the other plane, and your maternal instincts kick in or moral instincts/good Samaritan/decent human-being/ tuned-in-aura is in full ON mode?
Like sometimes if everything is quiet in the house, I swear I can hear mumbled talking as if the tv in the other room was on. But it's not. Is it my hearing, or something better?

Do we not make spontaneous occurrences, believe in serendipity or fate and good luck? Nearly everyone believes there is something going on around us, either through God, or the universe, or spirits, fairies, aliens, and there are miracles happening everyday, tragedies ripping our responses right out of our bodies, delights and things being created that were thought impossibles, daring theories proved right, normalities proved wrong, all around us all the time we hear of things changing. What is extraordinary if not something entirely ordinary that no one ever thought of, was, did, discover, or invent before?

All I am saying is: I went for a walk the other day and I realised how plugged in everything is.

So I am going to build my house.

I am going to C L I M B out of this sinkhole I have somehow crawled into, and I will throw my magick in everyone's faces  wake up  because life is about cats and shawls and glittery balls and falling asleep with hot cocoa instead of trepidation and coffee in cafes and running for the bus and trying not to lose that sudoku book with all those personal notes written down the sides  since when did I *learn* to fear almost every single thing I see?

Just you wait

# A tribute to a very special time in my life. Bittersweet is not just a persimmon. 💘💞

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