Sunday, 10 September 2017

Is that a giant Leprechaun I see?

Day 10
Hello and welcome, to the first week Price Tally.
Pull up a chair, or stool, or fold-out couch, and sit, recline, or sit up stiffly, and let us begin the one thing I absolutely LOVE to do... financially plan with lists!

Expenses paid
Petrol day 1 - 30.00
Petrol day 8 - 30.00
Rent - 275.00
Mortgage - 400.00
Super - 50
Bills - 120
Savings goal - 200

Grocery items bought
Fathers day cake ingredients - 17.38
Womanly things and jatz - 7.20
Instant coffee - 8.00
Womanly things - 2.40
Ice cream - 4.51
2x chocolate bars - 2.00
Bread - 3.49
HJs fries & onion rings - 2.00
Groceries from IGA today
~ Eggs - 1.99
~ Cheese - 4.00
~ Yoghurt #1 - 3.29
~ Yoghurt #2 -  3.50
~ Kettle parmesan chips - 3.85
~ 4 bananas - 2.10
~ Blueberries - 4.99
~ Chocolate milkshake - 3.98
                                       TOTAL: 74.68    

Other items bought

What the dickens.
That's only in one week, on food.
Now, To Be Fair, the groceries bought today are probably not meant to be included due to the fact that I got paid on Thursday and therefore 'started a new week' on Friday.
So take away the groceries today at 27.70 and that leaves me with 46.98 for one week from Friday 1st Sept until Friday 8th Sept.

Have you ever drank a chocolate milkshake really quickly, sniffed your suddenly runny nose, and then had an insanely strong taste of chemicals?
Gross, isn't it?

Anyway, whichever way you look at it, I went over the 19.20 budget in the first few days. YOLO! Screw the rules! Enjoy life!
But I managed to save whatever money left in my account for the previous fortnight by not taking it out to buy a big grocery shop. Every time I get the Food Shop Bug I run out and strut on a cloud of bliss through whichever supermarket I pick and grab all the items ever to appeal to me in some way. Then I look at the price when the last item has been scanned and I faint right into my conveniently-placed trolley.
By buying little things over the course of a week and resisting the urge to buy chocolatey snacks when I didn't urgently need them helped me save an accumulated amount at the end of the fortnight, which gave me the choice of putting it into a savings account or spending it. I chose to keep it where it was and at the end of the month I will see just how much is left in there.
I can tell you right now that the amount would have been much lower had I given in all those times.

Pretty proud Cerri!
Now to get set for the next week and a half. The Budget THIS TIME is 40.00 (a fortnight) - 27.70 = 12.30.
Which isn't really all that different from 19.20 a week.
Fuck me.

Due to only sleeping for four hours last night because, of reasons, let's all just clap and smile and gesture in awe at my money saving ways and brilliance beyond measure. How do they measure brilliance? Who knows! I'm so far ahead of it I can't even hear the machine they use to measure things, or produce the little cups with mL on them, or stamp contestants with their proof of entry, or manufacture small hats with the logo 'Cerri Kicks Ass: Beware Of Magnificent Ability' sprawled across the front.


Let our hearts stay untroubled by the atrocity of the world, may we look without judgement for we all hide monsters deep within that sit alongside angels, and to be such makes us human.

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