Sunday, 11 January 2015

How would you define 'good?'

"Goodness, Calamine! What kind of hour do you call this?" Earnest exclaimed.
Calamine turned and glanced at Earnest in a sleepy sort of way, but boomed: "Whatever are you talking about, Earnest?! Is this not the proper hour to do all sorts of things?"
Earnest thought about this while he dunked a round crumbling biscuit into his English Breakfsat tea. The little porcelain tea cup had once belonged to his mother and it had a very pretty pattern of pink flowers around the rim and made that delicate clink when placed upon the patterned saucer.
Earnest liked this clink, so he made sure to take little sips and invent numerous excuses to pick it up and put it down.
Calamine didn't like the clinking sound.
"Oh, for tiddle's sake, can you not just gulp your tea and burn your tongue like the rest of us, Earnest!" he would say throughout the day whenever he heard the offending noise. Earnest would just smile and tap his nose.
"I believe in all things green and luscious," Earnest said smartly, setting his cup down and picking up his pipe.
Calamine shuddered. "Green!" he said somewhat viciously. He set down the pile of books he'd been holding, adjusted his monocle so it sat firmly around the eye, and then gazed around at the gigantic bookcases that lined the walls of the library.
Had Calamine taken up the violin instead of joining his junior school's Book Club, none of this would ever have happened. They would never have had to go without eggs and bread because Calamine had purchased another bookcase on a whim; his arms wouldn't wake him in the night aching with the effort of holding and carrying books to and fro for most of the day; his favourite top hat would never have been squashed flat beyond repair by a stack of his favourite novels when he bumped the ladder against their shelf. He certainly wouldn't be wearing such a gorgeous and refined monocle, to say the least!
But Calamine's heart had been captivated by his very first novel, back in his frivolous youth, and had set the path for a dusty, heavy, tiresome future.
"Would you like to hear what I found when searching for pipes the other day, Calamine?" Earnest puffed.
"Not in the sl-"
"Jolly ho! Let me tell you what!"
Calamine sighed. "Is it not time we grew tired of such phrases and silly pastimes?"
Earnest looked up at Calamine with a scandalous expression one might use upon finding out their anticipated sandwich had been eaten by an unworthy nemesis. "Certainly not in this room!"
"Well I've had it!" Calamine whirled around like a ballerina practicing a complicated twirl movement, and looked his delightful Earnest in the eye. "I've simply had it up to here, all th-"
"Up to where?" asked Earnest innocently.
"Up to HERE!" Calamine shot his hand up as far as it would go in indication of how high his tolerance had gone.
"Oh, well, yes..." Earnest shook out his pipe gruffly,  "...that is quite high. But tell me THIS, Calamine dime, CAN it go HIGHER?!"
"Oh! Surely, I don- it ca-" Calamine flustered, his face turning a rather nice shade of crimson that made Earnest wish he could paint, "it couldn't possibly go higher than my hand, Earnest!"
"What... a shame," Earnest said in a pretend but entirely plausible dismal tone. He put his pipe on the little coffee table as Calamine stood glaring through his attractive monocle. He stood up and stretched.
Calamine took a step forward, "I say it's time we moved along, quite along. As far and as wide as it will take us!"
Earnest smiled, and not in the condescending way someone might smile at an overly raging person to tip them over the edge. No. Earnest smiled in adoration at his bright and practical Calamine, his companion who made lists and rows and copies, who could put almost anything in order and sort almost anything out. He had undoubtedly catalogued this very library in under two days. Earnest was so very lucky.
"Calamine, old chap. Shall we not grab a pot of coffee together and read a fancy novel? I'd very much enjoy hearing your voice while I drink."
Calamine stared. Earnest touched his top hat and bowed his head a little in an offhand gesture.
"I- I beg your pardon?"
"Oh let's! This and that can wait, Calamine! These and things and those and theys, why, they shall wait!"
Earnest clapped Calamine gently on the shoulder, and Calamine's eyes twinkled a little.
"Oh alright. I shall chose a grand tale, shall I? One of treasure and champions?"
"Tickery salubrians," said Earnest as they made their way out of the library, "whatever you like, old man."

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