Or do I?
Every time I look into the mirror I expect to find someone completely different staring back at me. And when I don't, I give a gasp of surprise and stare harder, creep closer, frown deeper, and try to remember if this was how I looked before or if I have indeed changed without realising. For, if I can't remember how I was previous, how can I say this isn't a new look at present?
It's very mindboggling, and after two hours of staring and puzzling, I give up and pester various people about PS2 and PS3 and Portal, because whoever I am, I still want these things.
These are the faeries I declared I would draw every month:
They're rough and some of them aren't faeries, and problems arise when the picture in my head of the little person I want to draw clashes violently with my pencil that seems to have a mind of its own.
CALM DOWN GUYS! Pencils, pens and all other art supplies should just do what my brain tells them to, and in a perfect world they would all be on telepathic command.
In a perfect world everything would be on telepathic command. And I would be a boy. Because sword fights are just not on if you wear heels, amirite?
It's probably day 285210 since I saw that spider behind my cupboard (hopefully it's dead and rotting and giving off an odour not unlike Morse Code to all it's creepy comrades that I am one tough spider killer [but they're probably sitting in cracks on the ceiling and laughing at my feeble attempts at destruction and swapping gum in various flavours of Fly]. There should really be a class at school dedicated to this, and no one would ever show).
No sightings of slugs for about a week because I've been getting up quite late as I enjoy the luxury of sleeping in until the sun slaps me in the face, which isn't really late, but I'll take it because I have been known to take things when offered, especially in the morning.
[Kinky] ^_0
In another universe, I'm the type of person who squishes their hands in a whole mixing pot of pudding, and hops about the wet grass because I can't be bothered putting shoes on, and makes twister on a sheet for bedtime fun, and compliments an elderly lady on her 'pirate-ship' stairs out the back of her house, and believes fully that the Zombie Game should become a staple activity in every household.
Oh... sorry... that's me now.