Sunday, 24 June 2018

"Just this once, can we climb up to the moon?"

Ameral looked over at the girl with the light blonde wispy hair, the pale green overcoat and black fluffy skirt, the glittery golden shoes, and the glazed doughnut in her hands, and she bit her lip.
Clover. She was everything Ameral had dreamed of. She was a thin slip of a girl, lost in some sort of dreamland or alternate reality; gazing off at something no one else could see, blinking rapidly or not at all, rushing past every time Ameral wanted to reach out and grab her.
Today, Ameral took a deep breath, steadied her shaking hands, and walked over to where Clover was frowning into her doughnut. She asked: "Are you going to eat that?"
Clover started, her hands jolting in that heart-stopping moment of uncertainty regarding the safety of her desired food. Ameral sighed. She was sorry she had come.
"Oh! Yes! I am!" Clover clenched down harder on the doughnut and looked up straight into Ameral's face. Ameral found herself staring into the bluest eyes she had ever seen.

Clover wondered how many calories this doughnut had, because it was glazed and also alarmingly large, and her stomach sank. That whole morning she had fantasised about eating a gigantic glazed doughnut, and now that she had one in her hands she found herself mulling over every reason not to.
"Are you going to eat that?" came a voice astoundingly close, and Clover looked up to see a strange girl staring down at her. Ameral. That's right... isn't it?
Clover could hardly be sure of her own memory these days. She had seen this girl in some of her classes, maybe art and history. Ameral was tall, thin, pale, her black hair cut in a jaggered shoulder-length bob, a thickly cut fringe, big brown eyes, and had a dark aura about her. Clover had always dreamed of asking this girl around to visit her Aunty Mirren who read people's auras, tea leaves, told fortunes, and practised what some would call 'The Dark Arts'. She could feel something heavy around Ameral, something almost twisted and angry.

"I mean, there's a bin right there," Ameral said, pointing to the rubbish can a few feet away.
"No, I'm eating it!" Clover said indignantly. 
Ameral kind of shrugged and Clover looked back at the doughnut. 
"Well, the glaze isn't real syrup anyway, is it?" she asked rhetorically to no one in particular. "It's mostly just a number, like 307 or E5, and they don't have any calories."
Ameral stared. Wasn't E5 a highway? Out loud she asked: "You're counting calories?"
A shifty, almost embarrassed, look came over Clover's face. Ameral shivered. "Well, no, I'm not," Cover said, but then added, "Well, I am. I'm trying to eat 300 calories a day."
"What! Three hundred calories!?" Ameral felt like grabbing her shoulders and shaking this ludicrous idea right out of her pretty little head.
Clover shrugged. "Why not?"
"God!" Ameral lifted a hand in a fit of outrage, Clover noticed, and before anyone could do anything about this atrocity, a boy called Norman ran past them both bumping into Clover who lurched forwards just as Ameral went to swipe the hideous doughnut out of Clover's hands.
Clover squealed. Norman cried "Sorry!" and laughed as he ran. Ameral ended up slapping Clover in the chest at the same time her doughnut flew up, as high as any doughnut had ever flown before, then fell to the ground, landing with a splatter.
"Shitdammitfuck!" Clover yelled.
"Fucking christ!" Ameral exclaimed, yanking her hand back as if touching a hot poker. 
"I wanted that all day!"
"Jesus," Ameral shoved both her hands into her skirt pockets. "Boys are dumb as fuck."
"So dumb. Why do they have to run around the place anyway?"
"There's more out there, you know," Ameral said with a tone of revealing a long-forgotten secret.
Clover looked up at her, still scowling, but with a little glint in her eyes. "I know, they sell them at PayLess."
Ameral took a breath and said in a rush, "Do you want to go to a cafe? With me?"
"No! Not now! After school."
"Oh..." Clover stared off into the distance, unblinking, as if searching for the answer there. Ameral felt her heart pound so loud and so fast it was as if it took up her whole rib-cage. She wished there was a speed button so she could turn it back to steady.
"Ok, sure," Clover said casually, and Ameral felt her world shift suddenly, and also fall into place.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Can I tell you a long-winded story?

One thing is certain when travelling to unknown places, and, indeed, life, and that is this: always take your own magick with you.
Yes! Your own!
And yes! With a k afterwards, because otherwise you're just taking along magic tricks, and who wants those?

-- Eating iced-coffee timtams  ^__^

-- Growing calendula and other unknown flowers from seeds. > They are going really well so far, I have about 50 all growing, some bunched up with others that are doing HIGH BALL LIFE growth-wise, and others on their own as they had withered a bit and I believed it was due to fighting for nutrients among their bunch. Yesterday 6 whole unicorn paper cups full of dirt and growing seedlings fell from my windowsill. I managed to save most of them, however, it was a sad time in my flowering community, because, let's face it, while I haven't named them all yet, I still think of them as beings that require love and attention and proper sustenance and minimal traumatic experiences in their dainty, leafy, innocent plant lives. 

-- I was doing AMAZINGLY with my healthy eating/no junk/no dinner or heavy food in evening/lots of water lifestyle until a woman from work committed suicide and I found myself wandering the supermarket with an actual for real trolley putting in all these chips and chocolates and ice creams and forty dollars worth of yoghurts (which I did end up buying because yoghurt is life, people! Life!), and things just got out of hand.
> And I mean 'turning trolley around to put back two out of the five packets of timtams, seven different bars of chocolate, a box of ice creams, two out of four bags of chips, one packet of lollies, three out of four packets of specialty chocolates, and two boxes of packet mix cake' out of hand. Because I then purchased two packets of chips, one can of pringles, three different specialty chocolates, and three packets of timtams. I think a madness descends upon one who tires to comprehend a shocking death and that results in spacey moods, a live quick attitude, and a life motto based around 'Why Not?' and 'I need this to fill a hole'.

~And so... I really crave salty foods now.

-- Trying to get into a life routine. I have never had a life routine. For one thing, I work on a permanent-part time basis and because my work always needs shifts covered I tend to always get extra shifts. This mean I have never had the same paycheck, ever, in my life. And it's kind of annoying me lately. This also means that I once spent a whole hour painstakingly going over my permanent shifts to create a life roster of days I could gym it up, time of day I could shop, free mornings to craft or write or draw, etc, and it literally never happened.
> Extra shifts equal extra money, which is nice if I want to buy land and build a house, or travel to Japan, or just have nice clothes, but bad if I want to seize life now that I have actually experienced a suicide event and dreamt about crashing my car, making me think about my own mortality. I refuse to slog around for the 'man' just to wake up, go to work, make small conversation, pay my bills, pay my taxes, eat some form of cheapass food, and go back to bed, thinking: 'fuck yeah! I can make some jewellery tomorrow on my day off' only to look at my calendar and realise I accepted to work a double-shift two months ago and now I have no time to do washing or get my car serviced.

-- My Magickal Event.
Today my boyf and I went up to the hills to visit and great place which I will not name, but just know that it was a town of red/orange/yellow/green leaves because of Autumn, quaint cafes, old-style buildings, spontaneous occurrences, and eclectic shops that didn't seem to fit in with the modern fast pace life of this year. For instance, I tried to find a Roadside Assistance shop, and could not, therefore could not pay my bill, but I was comforted by the four op-shops available and went into every one.
We happened to gaily pass another op shop with crystals and such out the front and I said 'LET'S DO THIS ONE! YOLO!' and I pushed open the door. I came face to face with the magickiest magickal shop ever to exist. The whole inside was overloaded with magickal jewellery, pendants, crystals, books, clothes, ornaments, and the smell of incense was HEAVENLY. I could literally feel my soul being cleansed at once.
As if in a trance I picked up a pot of Love and Intimacy body butter and paid 33 dollars. Anyone who knows me would gasp in horror! THIRTY THREE DOLLARYDOOS??? On BODY BUTTER??!!
Why not just grab an olive grove tub from the fridge and at your local PayLess and get down to business?
It's true, this was not my style, I was acting out and I was IN HEAVEN.
It was insanely cold out there today.

Ok! So that brings this blog up to speed with my newfound plans to one day open a magick shop full of my own healing balms and lotions, crystals, clothes made by hand, jewellery, possibly even coffee and health foods- so much to think about and so little coffee with which to spur me on...

I spent the whole car ride home squealing with laughter, as Bae was being exceptionally funny for no reason. Example: *driving up to traffic lights. Lights change. Bae 'of course they turn orange'. Me 'SQUEAL'... then 'What colour should they change to?' Bae 'green'. Me 'SQUEAL SQUEAL SQUEAL SQUEAL'. And much of the same.

It was a delight and all round enlightening trip.

*~~ I hope all of you are having extremely spectacular times in life. Don't take it too seriously, just take it to lunch!
