Hello there!
Welcome to Cerri in human form once again! It's been quite a while, such a long, long while that I started pondering all the things get pondered about when one is off and doing all the things ever to be done- which in my case has been nothing and yet everything at once, and which has most likely just been some of the things slightly above the average happenings.
All of the above is one hundred per cent true.
Ok, moving on to things that make sense!
I have been busy! Life has been happening! I have been moving! Sometimes at snails pace, sometimes like a gust of wind that leaves a swirl of scattered leaves behind, and at other times also I have moved like a regular human who does regular activities at the regular and appropriate speed. That is to say, I have participated in my usual occupation to earn the moneys at a slightly alarming pace not unlike that of a hurried hare. I have been told that I 'have a smile like sunshine', which I agree and accept with my usual grace, and then I have been scorned also that I 'do everything at a slight run' and that 'if I don't stop running I will gain no cooperation from the people I am supposed to be helping and who are supposed to help me'.
Alrighty then.
If that is how it must be.
However, I decline. And I run once more.
I actually detest being told what to do. And when you're under the pump, over the time limit, sweating like a rhino on a 100 degree day and listening to your stomach play the usual 'Hungry Now and Forever' and 'My Hunger Will Go On' as loud as anything, it gets to you. You start to dance. Perhaps hum along. People stare at you. They offer you numbers to therapists that 'they got from a friend' or 'for a friend'. Some of them hum along and then this great chorus of hummers accumulate in the one room as they work, scrubbing and preparing, and these people do not know what they are humming to, they just follow along as happily as ever, unaware that THE WHOLE TIME, they have been taking the lead from my stomach.
*Gets out number for therapist from a friend of a friend and squints at it.
*Realises number is actually a shopping list that reads:
1 tomato
7 Quince (quinces)? quincees ? Qui? Like in Oui?
Brown rice
Any herb that goes with fish
Beetroot but not the big can the littleish can is there a one can smaller size get that one
You will notice recently that my day to day logging has merged in with short stories, and that the stories have somehow, without my consent, taken full control of this blog. Power to 'em! Taking over a whole blog isn't easy! It's downright enormous. The effort it takes from all sides is enough to send one trembling, weak-kneed and blurry-eyed, to the bedroom ready to collapse into the never-ending pile of pillows. Why, I do that without the tremendous thought of hosting a siege!
As far as the big life questions go, I often find myself asking: 'Did I really decant rice into a jar with flour?' and 'Was I actually about to put a piece of fish into the frying pan that was heating dishwash liquid instead of good ol Extra Virgin Olive Oil?'
You know, all the important things.
But progress has been made! Here's a list to prove it.
The List of the Truest Progress That I Have Achieved So Far:
~ Bought a house!
~Took a year off Uni.. is that progress? It certainly feels like it. The sleep ins! (Bliss. Warmth. Maids who bring me coffee and play the cello while I awaken...)
~Went on a date with a fella so hilarious I forgot to eat (not even joking) and now we're dating!
~Attempted to knit a beanie. Yes.... It's still on the progress side.
~Took a road trip up to Melbourne to see my sister and drove back entirely in one hit for nine hours, stopping only three times to pee, fill petrol and buy food. #roadtriplife #lotsofcows #freecoffeeandwitches #thecoffeewasfreenotthewitches #i'mprettysuretheyweren'twitches #buttheyhadamazingpowersbecausethatcoffeewasTRIPPINBALLS
~Spent a great portion of my time cutting grass with shears. What a time.
~Consequently, developed an odd and horrendous tan which leaves me with no choice but to now cut and design my own weirdly shaped clothes so I can even it out.
~Absolutely REFUSED to pull the dish plug out of dirty cold water with my bare hands and became quite experimental with instruments that I could use instead.
~Developed this intense passionate love for cold tinned corn kernels. Fleeting, but totally worth it.
~Consumed a lot of pizza for no reason.
~Became at peace with wearing odd socks and doing the whole 'sitting down and the pant leg rises up showing them off' thing, and caring not a damn.
~Learning that tired can be a forever thing.
~Tried to say 'water' in French to a Frenchman at work and ended up just saying 'Oooooo' while he stared at me like a fish.
And the Big Ones:
~Said no and experienced no guilt or bad feelings whatsoever. A big one for me because I always feel terrible afterwards, but I'm at the stage of existence where people can live with it or FRO. Peace.
~Spent more time preparing meals. Also big because I hate cooking. But I prevailed, and because I did so I experienced a lot of unforseen disgusting mashups that gave me cause to quit cooking altogether and do the whole liquid shake meal replacements in chocolate and vanilla.
~Took part in trying to recycle everything. This is a continuous thing. Our waste has been cut down to about half and most of it is just being more aware of food prep and consumption. And frozen vegetables! What a life they lead! All frozenly wrapped up in their cold hard forms, chillin in the back, swapping stories of the outside and passing along tiny frozen marshmallows that get stuck to their tongues... absolute legends and so so tasty.
~But MOST importantly, I learned that you CAN put your pieces back together and that they might be chipped or need smooshing in some areas and taping up in other areas, and that strangers can actually be the best people to help you out, especially elderly women who don't necessarily care about how you got in the situation in the first place but who are happy to just have you keep them company and make you do the coffee runs.
Things I Plan To Do Now That I Am Hip Once More:
Or, you know, have a lot of free time...
~ALL the creativeness. Which includes but is not limited to: continuing with the knitting life, continuing with jewellery making, getting back into writing my novel that I KEEP SAYING I will do but never open the folder, sew clothes and items by hand, continue drawing faeries and attempt to paint them, continue with my gnome infatuation because four is not an army, bake cupcakes and document the baking process and also experiment with different icing options, try to make baked clay ornaments.
--Maybe start a vlog about all the projects progress.
~Put my pot plants back outside.
~Get my car serviced, visit the dentist, buy a new pair of glasses, tidy my haircut and buy one piece of new clothing.
~Start a vegetable garden.
~Watch every anime ever.
Aaaaand probably three thousand and seventy one other things that I'm too tired to think about at the moment, but there is a general list to start with.
>Let's smash this life out!
And may the force be with you.