Today I stood in the elevator holding ice-cream, and I thought, at least if there's a problem I am well equipped. Yes, I may have fantasised about what I would do if there was suddenly a fire. I may have been relieved for the first time in this elevator to be holding a 5L cold tub. In some way, I believed everything would work out. In some weird way I am now indebted to ice-cream.
~ This is faith in the complete sense.
Yesterday I went a hunting
and found some peanut butter,
I thought how queer, to have this here,
and it sent my heart a-flutter.
"This isn't how I really am,"
I turned and told the cat,
"I'm not some nutter, who loves this butter,
more than my warm red hat."
The cat just blinked and stared at me,
and I sighed for it was true,
I am that girl, who'd give the world,
just for a taste of you.